Lane Transit District Electric Bus Infrastructure

In 2017, Lane Transit District (LTD) initiated a transition to increase its electric bus fleet, leading to a cleaner and more sustainable urban transportation system. Our firm took part in the design of the electric bus infrastructure, including charging stations and innovative lighting solutions.

Charging Infrastructure

LTD’s commitment to environmental sustainability led them to invest in a fleet of electric buses, requiring an infrastructure overhaul to accommodate the new technology. The project involved designing and implementing a robust power distribution system to support the charging requirements of the electric buses.

Adaptation and Enhancement

While the project primarily focused on the electric bus charging infrastructure, our design team identified an opportunity to enhance the overall functionality of facilities. Innovative lighting design emerged as an essential aspect not part of the original plan. After the initial implementation, feedback from bus drivers revealed that the parking area lighting lacked the necessary brightness, impacting visibility and safety.

We jumped at the opportunity of designing and implementing a lighting solution that not only met the lighting requirements but also added an element of innovation. This adaptation showcased Systems West’s dedication to continuously improving services, resulting in a more secure and welcoming environment for bus operators and passengers alike.

Shared Values

This design project is a testament to our team’s dedication to sustainability and excellence. The successful execution of this project resulted in a comprehensive and functional charging infrastructure that seamlessly supports the electric bus fleet. By embracing changes and proactively addressing emerging needs, we were able to create a forward-thinking electric bus ecosystem that aligns with LTD’s commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction.

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